About Sparta United Methodist Church

We are called to make maturing disciples
of Jesus Christ for
the transformation
of the world.
The reason Sparta United Methodist Church exists is to make God's love real in our church, neighborhood, community, and world.
As a faith community we are becoming
a congregation of people who:
Invite people to experience the love of God
and become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Equip disciples to be agents of God's
reconciling love in the world.
Care for one another in Christian community.
Send disciples as servants of Christ to participate
in God's transformation of the world.
Our Pastor
Lourdes Magalhaes

My life's journey has been one of learning, serving, and growing in faith, and I am eager to embark on this journey with all of you.
A Lifetime of Learning and Service
My calling to ministry began at the age of 15 and has guided me ever since. I was ordained as an elder in 2007 while serving at Sao Miguel Methodist Church in São Paulo, Brazil. My academic journey includes studies in Social Studies in Ministries at Drew University in New Jersey and a degree in Divinity from the Methodist University of São Paulo. Additionally, I pursued studies in Portuguese, English, and Latin, and earned a degree in Literature encompassing Brazilian, Portuguese, American, and British works. My passion for languages and cultural communication has taken me to London and New Jersey, allowing me to connect deeply with diverse communities.
Global Ministry Experience
My ministry has been enriched by global experiences. In London, I volunteered as an interpreter for the Scripture Gift Ministry and was active at All Souls Church Langham Place, working with youth from twelve different countries. In 2008, I was invited by Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar to serve in New Jersey as a pastor missionary under the GBGM program "From Everywhere to Everywhere." I served at Davis Memorial UMC in Harrison and have been honored to interpret for several General Conferences and other international Methodist and ecumenical events.
Leadership and Resilience
My leadership was recognized when I became the first Brazilian elected to the executive table of the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry. In 2017, I joined the Wisconsin Conference, serving at Wesley UMC in Marshfield. Despite the loss of our church building to a fire and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we successfully completed and dedicated a new building in September 2020. In 2022, I was appointed to Cedarburg Community UMC, where I navigated the challenges of being the first female and first cross-racial pastor in a predominantly European community, helping the congregation process and stop disaffiliation, I was so blessed to have a great pastoral care program for our homebound and shut-ins members.
Embracing a New Chapter
Now, as I join Sparta United Methodist Church, I bring a wealth of experience, empathy, and unshakeable faith. My journey has been one of serving God and His people, overcoming challenges with resilience, and fostering unity within diverse communities. I am excited to begin this new chapter with all of you and look forward to the blessings and growth our shared journey will bring. Let us welcome this new beginning with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the transformative journey ahead.
Praying for all of you with faith and anticipation,
Reverend Lourdes Magalhães