Get Involved
3 Keys to Growing Spiritually
Stay Connected to God
Have a daily time with God.
Develop foundational spiritual practices.
If you are looking for a simple way to get started pick up a free Our Daily Bread devotional booklet or check out the resources in the church library.
Pastor Loretta would also be happy
to talk with you and share other resources.
Stay Connected
to Others
Invest in Christian friendships.
Regularly attend corporate worship.
Connect in an accountable relationship (mentor, coach, small group).
Sunday worship starts at 9 am and is a great place to start making friends. There is a time of fellowship with refreshments after worship in the Gathering Place just off the sanctuary.
There are also various studies and other fellowship opportunities; ask about details in the church office.
Serve Others
Find a way to serve the church.
Explore ways to serve in the community.
There are many ways to serve within the church. Depending on where you feel your service could best be used you could be an usher or greeter, a liturgist, youth teacher, host for Sunday morning fellowship, sing in the choir, you could help with the Tuesday soup supper, serve on a committee, just to name a few opportunities.
Some ways to help in the community are working at the ecumenical food pantry, helping with worship at the nursing home or visiting at the nursing home, or visiting shut-ins..
“And serve each other according to the gift each person has received,
as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.”
1 Peter 4:10